Nathalie Varlet
Systemic and shamanic constellation
Find coherence in your life by healing unconscious patterns from the past
Our emotions and life choices are conditioned by transgenerational memories that make us repeat the same patterns over and over again.
This gives the impression of being stuck in the same situation and not finding the keys to changing the system.
These family and cultural loyalties are engraved in our unconscious and prevent us from being fully YOURSELF.

Do you feel like you're stagnating, like you're not following your dreams?
Are you experiencing emotional ups/downs, lack of self-confidence, recurring fears or guilt ? It makes you feel like you 're not moving forward.
Are you an emotional sponge and lose your energy quickly?
Do you repeat the same relationship patterns that you know by heart?
Tu as beau connaitre ces schémas et pour autant
tu les répètes encore et encore.
Ca n'est pas que tu es bête ou que tu n'as pas compris la leçon !
Ho non, surtout pas !!
Si tu ressens ça, c'est qu'un schéma inconscient agit à travers toi.
You may know these patterns and yet
you repeat them over and over again.
It's not that you're stupid or that you didn't understand the lesson!
Oh no, definitely not!!
If you feel this way, it's because an unconscious pattern is acting through you.
You are in reptilian brain mode, you no longer have functional neurons and you act in automatic mode in spite of yourself.
This memory needs to be healed so that
you rediscover your capacity for action and choice
(apart from any external conditioning).
Basically, if I summarize:
Grandma Ginette's guilt,
the frustrated sexual desire of the great-grandfather,
the family sadness of a loved one,
are printed in your system and
come to influence your state of being even your physical state.
So how do we change?
We come to feel what is rejected,
take responsibility for our patterns,
return what does not belong to us,
and CREATE in connection with our ESSENCE !
How does a session go?
The first part is dedicated to diagnosis : identification of the patterns and the unconscious system that affects you.
The second step consists of feeling, putting in order and
in peace, the history of the past through a constellation.
I give you integration practices so that change can be activated in the different areas of your life.
Sessions are held individually in person or online.

Constellations can help you if:
You have chronic physical pain or not. You've tried several treatments but it goes away and comes back...
You can't find your way, you're in a job that no longer suits you but... you can't move on!
You experience recurring negative thoughts and emotions: fear, guilt, anxiety, jealousy, anger, etc.
Relationship problems: couple/family conflict, toxic romantic relationships, sexual blockages, etc.
You have these types of thoughts: "I will never make it", "I can't find my place", "I can't do it with my children", "I always have money problems."
My skills
Using my 15 years of clinical experience to help patients rediscover coherence in their lives.
My background:
Diploma in sports physiotherapy (10 years' experience in top-level sport, Olympic champions, training centers...)
Diploma in orthopaedic manual therapy (Maitland)
Diploma in coherent movement and systemic therapy (founded by Berni Garcia)
Training in Hatha yoga, Wùo Taï, energy school (Eivissa), non-violent communication.
Physiotherapist and creator of meditation, yoga and sophrology workshops in prisons.
Initiated into Amazonian shamanic medicine.
Creator of the Art of Healing Movement and the practice of Fascia Movement.