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I accompany the beings to be awakened  their perception  sensitive,   to explore the different planes of their beings  to have a life connected to their inner nature.  I help them  to log in  their  wild nature and their creative power to dare to be oneself, and to live with lightness the movement of

nathalie varlet, artiste guérisseuse, kinesitherapeute, therapeute holistique, femme medecine, fasciatherapeute, chamanisme

mon chemin

Adventurer, explorer, passionate about people and nature. I like to observe how humans relate  to nature and  How? 'Or' What  nature allows us to connect with ourselves. Travel and care have always been at the heart of my life. Swinging from one to the other, my heart has  long balanced ... Today I combine the two.

I transmit  care as a journey and travel as a care of the soul.  


I first explored  care and movement through the profession of physiotherapist (kinesi: movement, movement therapy). I specialized in sports physiotherapy,  orthopedic manual therapy and gait rehabilitation in paraplegic patients. I was fascinated to explore all the possibilities of the body ... A  through the axis of performance in high-level sports, through the daily ailments of my patients, through the incredible recovery capacities of certain paraplegic patients ... By listening, accompanying, touching so many beings, I learned a lot from them. I was then animated by the deep wish that each person entering my office could have physical capacities which allow them to live a better life.  I had become a technician of the human body,   expert in human biomechanics. Quickly realizing that the physical planes were linked emotionally and psychically, I trained in non-violent communication, hypnosis, psycho-body therapy,  Hatha yoga,  and I collaborated  with Chinese doctors and  Ayurvedic.  My conception of health, care and the human being then  started to change.  

In the same  time, the call of travel, the thirst for elsewhere was becoming irrepressible ... I left everything and went alone to South America with a quest  poorly defined interior.

I had to leave for 4 months, I stayed for 1 year.

TO  bike for 6 months, I crossed  The Bolivian Amazon ... In the heart of the jungle, with ancestral tribes, their vision of medicine through connection to nature, my conception of life and reality has  been upset. I developed a connection to the spirit of plants, to their wisdom, to the Amazonian cosmovision.  

When I returned to France, I wanted to work in the heart of society,  to give a breath of hope and freedom where there was so little.  I went to work in prison. New initiatory journey, new questioning,  new enrichment. I dedicated myself to supporting dozens  men for a year. Reviewing all the concepts on life, death, violence, courage, helplessness,  freedom, responsibility, resilience,  love ... I revisited  in the depths of my being what it meant to heal. Since then I prefer to use the word "accompany" ...

What was my place?

Lighten the moment, the time of a moment ... and a few rare times, awaken to other possibilities ...

Since then, I have decided to combine my passion for travel and the transmission of my knowledge. I like finding  inspiration and  passion as comfort in the heart of natural landscapes. I have a nomadic life for 4 years and move according to the calls of nature.  I learned to dance the movement of the moment by the rivers, to spread my wings at the top of the mountains, to take root in the hollow of trees, to connect with my femininity thanks to the moon, to explore  my power around a fire.

Nature is my greatest source of inspiration. She allows me  to explore the different planes of my being. With her, I understood that large spaces open by pushing small doors gently.  I like to experiment deeply .. this is the heart of what I transmit.

Today, what I like the most is seeing people unfold, marvel, let themselves be surprised by the joy that comes from abandonment to the unknown.

I like to see the looks light up, the  lights express themselves  fears evaporate to let the depth of the heart emerge. 

I like  see the bodies open.  Through a subtle touch,  I like  feel that a slight resistance is transformed into a movement creating new interior spaces, a new map of possibilities.

I like to favor  take off and support the integration of the experience into daily life. 

I like to perceive life as a dance where bodies and hearts fly and connect. 

I like to vibrate with the heart of plants, to connect with the spirits of nature, to listen to their messages, and that they accompany me on my way.  

It is with joy and lightness that   I dedicate myself to transmitting self-awareness, self-expression and re-connection to one's (The) nature.

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